September 11-14 were the dates of this years National Street Rod Association Nationals North Plus in Kalamazoo. Ten CSRA members were in attendance at some point during the weekend with six of us entering our cars. Four of those six made the GR to Kazoo trip daily while Steve drove his car down on Thursday and stayed in a local hotel through Saturday night. Five of us traveled together on Thursday afternoon to pick up our credentials. We arrived shortly after the gates opened on Friday morning after driving in some rain. The temperatures were in the 40's so we had very little competition for a prime parking spot. We set up our awning with club banners on Friday and left it in the same spot throughout the weekend. Nice to know the event is secure and folks can be trusted to not disturb someone else's stuff! Saturday was still chilly and we had a few sprinkles early but the day brightened to a beautiful sunshine.
This was taken Saturday morning before Pete arrived. Left to right are the cars of Phil, Jon and Steve with Jim's yellow roadster behind Phil's 57 and Rick's yellow pickup behind Steve's coupe. We had two events to celebrate during the weekend. First was the first anniversary of our club. The CSRA was formed just a year ago and the announcement was made to our former club on the Monday following the Nats North. The second event was much more exciting! Our own Jim Banfill's 1932 Ford roadster was selected by the Michigan Safety Director, Roy Drumm, as his Safety Pick Award! Jim was in shock all day Sunday and into the following week. Here's the 32 in the staging area for the award winners.
And here's Jim accepting his award from Roy at the conclusion of the Street Rod Nats.
All in all, a fantastic weekend! Congratulations to Jim on his selection and to all the CSRA members for making this first year a memorable one.
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